Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spotlight on Accessories

I am crazy about these little shoes for baby girls. They would make the perfect accessory to one of my handmade TuTu's.
Check them out!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where the heck are my Keys?

When I hear the phrase forgive and forget, I usually feel an array of emotions ranging from hope to helplessness.

Although I believe that I have the power to choose which thoughts can linger in my mind and which thoughts get the boot, unlike many of you, I happen to have a really good memory.

Don't get me wrong, I love to forgive others and free myself from the burden that often accompanies a grudge, but that doesn't mean that I don't remember the offense.

Last week, during my daily reading out of the book of Proverbs from the Bible, I ran across this quote,

"A man's wisdom gives him patience;

it is to his glory to overlook an offense."

What a perspective! Not only to forget and offense, but to overlook it altogether.

As always, I turned to my greatest teacher {my 2 year old son} and observed his behavior for a while. I make him mad countless times every day!

  • I don't give him his milk before his meal, even if he asks politely.
  • I don't let him watch the Elmo video over and over again.
  • I make him take a nap even when he says "no, thank you, I wanna play."

Yet, he still loves me more than anything in this world. And he doesn't just love me; those little offenses don't even cross his mind. They are forgotten as soon as they are done.

I have determined that to be as happy and carefree as my child, I must steal some of his techniques. To help myself get started, I've decided to re-distribute my brain cells: I'm taking from the 'remembering past hurts' department and transferring to the 'remember where you put your cell phone' department.

I don't know about you, but I am constantly losing my keys and my cell phone!!!

Try it with me! Let's remember things that matter and, not just forget, but completely overlook things that don't. Let's not allow offenses to even occupy one cell in our brains.

Next time you feel yourself registering a hurt or remembering an old issue, STOP and ask yourself,

"Where the heck are my keys?"


Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 Things...

It's that time again...time to make a list. This week, we will start thinking about Valentine's Day.

10 things that would make Valentine's Day perfect:
  1. They make Valentine's a national holiday with pay.
  2. No wait at the restaurant. Actually, NO ONE at the restaurant.
  3. Mid-day, a box arrives via UPS with a complete outfit inside and a note to be ready at 6pm
  4. The box also includes a gift certificate to your favorite hair salon.
  5. ...and to your favorite nail salon
  6. ...and to your favorite spa
  7. ...and the name of the sitter who will watch the kids while you go get pampered
  8. When you return home from your adventure, the house is clean
  9. He buys you a gift that does not involve 'guess the flavor' candy, balloons, stuffed animals, nor carnations!
  10. You can sleep in the morning after.
We can dream, right! What would make YOUR Valentine's Day perfect? Share your comments.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spread the Sparkle

I am proud to announce my new program:
For every TuTu ordered, a large percentage of the profit will go towards a charity fund that will be used to provide TuTus to girls in need. Each month a new charity will be chosen by me and awarded one or more free TuTus.

Last weekend, I had the honor of spending the day with one of my favorite girls: My 7-year-old niece, whom I call My Princess. I asked her if she would be so kind as to model my latest creation for me and was taken aback by the events that followed. Her smile stretched from ear to ear! She stood up straight and tall, tried on the skirt, and ran to the nearest mirror giggling the whole way. Her eyes sparkled. The way she lit up, left a lasting impression one me.
I get goosebumps just recalling the moment.

Little girls love glamour just as much as us 'big girls' do. Nail polish. Hair bows. Shimmer. It's all in there.

Immediately, I wondered how much JOY could I bring to a little girl suffering from an illness or living in financial need. I want to help little girls, in any way I can, to feel pretty even just for a moment.

Here is how YOU can participate in spreading the sparkle:
  • Purchase a TuTu. Fun for playing dress-up, or to use as photo props, or to give as unique gifts, or even to hang up for decor. Each sale increases the opportunities to give back.
  • Nominate your favorite charity or deserving little girl. Whether it is a single girl at a hospital or a whole preschool class, I want to hear about them! Send me an email at or leave a comment at the end of this post.
  • Check back each month to read all about the experience. Find out who was selected and read their inspiring story. See pictures of the special moment.

Thank you for your support!

Friday, January 22, 2010

It IS better to give...

As I've been thinking and praying over the people of Haiti, I've been touched by all the giving from around the world. What an amazing bond we share with all mankind: the desire to care for one another.

I was able to contribute to Haiti through a fund set up by my local church, but it got me thinking about ways to give back every day. I am thrilled with the idea that came up.

Check back for details and to learn how you can participate!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

10 THINGS...

FACT: I love making lists.
I write lists for everything around our house: meals, chores, shopping, outfits, organizing shelves, and the list goes on....

I want to invite you to indulge me in an experiment. Every Monday, we will begin the week with a new list. Before we fill up our week with more serious to-do's, I'd like for us to take a break and come up with a different FUN list for the week.

In honor of Monday being a holiday, here is our list:


1. Stay in bed past 9am
2. Shop
3. Prepare a big breakfast with the family
4. Spend time outdoors
5. Take a spontaneous trip
6. Go to the beach
7. Nap
8. Be lazy with my husband
9. Bring the kids in bed and have a tickle fight
10. Read uninterrupted

I'd love to read yours too! So, go ahead and leave a comment. Whether it's one of your items or your full list, I want to hear from YOU!

Hope you get to do at least one of your favorites today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Over the past few days, I've been planning some of my upcoming creations. I just love looking at all the colors and fabrics available and imagining the endless possibilities.

The preparations got me reflecting on the idea of Planning. I recently read that the average American family wastes an average of $3,000 each year from lack of planning!
  • Buying things we already have
  • Tossing expired items that never got used
  • Making several trips to the grocery store for just one more thing
  • Purchasing items without comparison shopping
Sound familiar?
I've been guilty of all of those at one time or another.

My mom always said that the best thing God made was one day after another. So, I have made it my goal to make sure tomorrow is better than today. I've begun planning ahead, each Saturday afternoon, for the following week. My husband and I make a meal plan, grocery list, chore list, and activity list. We have a schedule for each of us and our children.

It sounds complicated, but it really wasn't much work at all! Once we made the plan on our first week, the following weeks got easier because we already had a blueprint.

Since making the adjustments we have seen improvements in many areas of our lives: our budget is reaching further, the kids get more attention from us, we feel more relaxed, and our overall satisfaction with life has improved.

Truthfully, some weeks it's already Monday, when I start to make my plan. But once I do, the whole week becomes a breeze.

If you are tired of living day to day struggling to get a break, I invite you to plan ahead with me. I can share my own family schedule template with you and see how it can help your family.

To those of you who have it together, please share your family planning secrets with the rest of us! It's great to learn from each other.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

TuTu: Love ROCKS!!!!

Love rocks...and so will your little one in this breath-taking creation. Bold shades of hot pink and shimmery soft pink wrapped in a soft pink satin ribbon exude confidence.
When coming up with the context for this tutu, I began to reflect on my prayer over my own baby girl. I want my daughter to grow up to be a confident woman who is not a victim of her emotions but protects her heart from deception. In a world filled with broken hearts and lives that are destroyed at such an early age, I pray that my daughter will make wise decisions in every area of her life, especially in the area of love. I pray that she knows her true worth and is surrounded by people who also value her. Most of all, I pray that I can model those values for her, because I believe it all starts at home. Relationships, families, fridendships, love...THAT is what makes life ROCK!
Whether you are a client or simply a reader,
my prayer goes out to all the little girls in your life.

To order your handmade, one-of-a-kind creation send me a personal email today! All tutu's are made-to-order, so order soon. Only a limited number of these will be available before Valentine's Day.
Cost: $30 Email:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TuTu: Wild About ...

Wild about...whatever it is that makes your baby tick.
Daddy, Mommy, Big Brother, Big Sissy, Music, Strawberries, or tickles.
When you have a baby, there is no shortage of fun. Babies have an incomparable zest for life worthy of imitation.

Enjoy your little love in this sassy piece made with gold and black tulle. The Wild About... is beautifully wrapped in black satin ribbon, which is standard for all my tutu's, and accented with a deep red rose and animal print ribbon.

Classic romance. Edgy elegance.
Order yours today!
Cost: $30 Email:

TuTu: The Queen has Arrived!

Queen of Hearts
The enchanting Queen of Hearts, with stripes in shimmery cream and red tulle, is sure to rule your little one's wardrobe. A red rose and damask ribbon put the final royal touch on a waistline wrapped in black satin ribbon. Short pieces of black tulle complete the look of a queen's collar.

To order your handmade, one-of-a-kind creation send me a personal email today! All tutu's are made-to-order, so order soon. Only a limited number of these will be available before Valentine's Day.

Cost: $30 Email:

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Line: Crawling on the Wild Side

Anyone who has children knows that those sweet baby angels love to get WiLd!

What a care-free time in their lives,
when it doesn't matter
...if the popsicle is dripping down their shirt
or if others are looking at them.

They just have fun and enjoy being themselves without any worries.

My new collection, Crawling on the Wild Side, will bring out the fun side of your little sweetheart with a mix of classic colors and modern prints.

Celebrate the your baby's wild stage with one of these hand crafted, custom-made tutu's sure to melt your heart...and start living a little more care-free yourself.