Thank you... Neighbors' stout Nanny-Man with a white beard, for taking it in stride when my 3 year old called you "Santa. Santa-Man. Santi Santi."
Thank you... Michael, whom I haven't seen in a long time prior to running into you at Publix this week, for keeping it cool when my son interrupted us midway through our conversation to ask me what your name was and I had no idea.
Thank you... Publix staff and patrons for not kicking us out of the store even after 20 minutes of non-stop top-of-their-lungs chanting "YUM-MEE!!" "YUM-MEE!!" At least they weren't crying.
Thank you... Bribes, for working.
Thank you... Natural consequences, for working even more efficiently than bribes.
Thank you... GAP Kids clerk, for once again smiling and graciously taking back the unpaid item I discovered at the bottom of the stroller and had to bring back.
Thank you... Cake Boss episode on NETFLIX, for featuring a baby delivery on the show and giving hubby the baby bug.
Thank you... Toddlers and Tiaras episode on NETFLIX, for curing me of ever thinking I was a shallow mom.
Here's to another fun-filled week!
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